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Showing posts from February, 2015

Testing Temur with Frontier Siege

I had misread Frontier Siege as "adds 2 green mana to your mana pool each turn". Yesterday, I found it adds 2 Green every main phases, that's 4 mana in two main phases a turn, that's crazily good. And its "Dragon" option is good for turning flying creatures into removals. I started to build around it. The first thing I considered is putting it into a ramp deck. We can have  Genesis Hydra ,  Polukranos, World Eater ,  Ugin, the Spirit Dragon  in the deck. To get the best outcome, we may add more ramp cards like  Voyaging Satyr ,  Sylvan Caryatid ,  Elvish Mystic ,  Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . In the end, we will get a deck close to the Green Devotion in Grand Prix Seville 2015 top 8. On top of that, I think giving 2 Green mana every main phase is good for Morph , Manifest and some activated abilities because these activation don't require you to pay all the mana cost at once. Maybe, it can synergize with  Temur War Shaman ...

Trading Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

About a month ago, I made a ramp deck with Ugin and posted here . It may look a far cry from the one in GP Sevillie 2015, but at least they both have Nissa, Whisperwood Elemental, and the mightly Ugin. After reading the GP coverage, I started to buy in Ugin at around 17-18 for short term profit. I have the following points: 1. Triple Fate Reforged draft ends today. 2. There is a Standard GP this weekend. 3. MTGO Standard Pro Tour Qualifier Preliminaries starts this week. 4. Ugin is in UB control and Green Ramp. They make up around 10% of the meta. 5. UB control may use more than 2 copies of Ugin as finisher against decks full of Thoughtseize, Heros Downfall and Utter End. But there isn't no uncertainty for the move: 1. Brimaz was also the top card in the second set, it didn't rise the week after prerelease. Instead, it dropped a lot. 2. Ugin 's mana cost is huge. It's hard to be used in other decks except Ramp and UB control. 3. Ugin isn't so popul...

The Future Supply of Cards

Born of the Gods             1 pack Prerelease Events: February 1-2, 2014 Journey into Nyx             1 pack Prerelease Events: April 26-27, 2014 Khans of Tarkir                2 packs Prerelease Events: September 20-21, 2014 Fate Reforged                  1 pack Prerelease Events: January 17-18, 2015 Dragons of Tarkir            2 packs Prerelease Events: March 21-22, 2015 Magic Origins                  3 packs Prerelease Events: July 11–12, 2015 Spring of 2016 Khans and Fate Reforged rotates out. Autumn 2016 Dragons of Tarkir and Magic Origins rotates out. From the information above, the supply of Fate Reforged is similar to that of Born of the Gods. However, Fate has a shorter time period in Standard format. Likely, ...

Monastery Mentor

Monastery Mentor dropped to 12 tix, no longer an overpriced buy-in price. I may buy a few this week and more in the next month. Why do I like it? I can see some token decks using it and these decks now make up just a small portion of the meta game. That's good because the chance for a less popular deck to get 10% or above of the meta game is higher than that for a 10% deck to reach 15% or 20%. After all, WOTC doesn't want to see a deck dominating the meta game for good. The functional side of Monastery Mentor is brilliant, too. Both its mana cost and mana combination are highly adaptable among decks. Depending on the mana cost and strength of non-creature spells, Mentor is able to finish the game in 4-5 turns if not killed. In terms of rarity, it is a Mythic rare that the chance of getting reprinted as a promo card is lower than rares. Besides, the current game environment is packed with high power/toughness creatures. Logically, the next set will provide us with some s...

Rally the Ancestors, Return to the Ranks and Immortal Servitude

All of the titled cards have potential in Modern but without a decent study on the format, I can't provide you with more evidence than my intuition.  I picked Rally the Ancestors. Reasons: 1. Instant itself is much better than Sorcery. We can cast it at the end of opponent's turn and responding to spells like graveyard exiling and shuffling cards.  2. With 5 mana, it covers each 3 cmc or less creature, which is a range wider than creatures with 2 cmc for Immortal Servitude and three creatures with 2 or less cmc for Return to the Ranks.  3. The "exiling at the beginning of your upkeep" side effect doesn't matter in combo decks. We probably want to use it in a deck built around a two - creature combo. The deck works when we get the combo pieces into grave via all sort of milling, entombing cards, then we cast Rally to bring them back to the battlefield and they 'll win the game for us instantly with an one turn killing effect.