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Mirrodin Block uc and c Full List

SOM Block UC, C

1 Abuna Acolyte y
2 Arrest y
3 Auriok Edgewright y
4 Auriok Sunchaser y
5 Dispense Justice y
6 Elspeth Tirel
7 Fulgent Distraction y
8 Ghalma's Warden y
9 Glimmerpoint Stag y
10 Glint Hawk y
11 Indomitable Archangel
12 Kemba, Kha Regent
13 Kemba's Skyguard y
14 Leonin Arbiter
15 Loxodon Wayfarer y
16 Myrsmith y
17 Razor Hippogriff y
18 Revoke Existence y
19 Salvage Scout y
20 Seize the Initiative y
21 Soul Parry y
22 Sunblast Angel
23 Sunspear Shikari y
24 Tempered Steel
25 True Conviction
26 Vigil for the Lost y
27 Whitesun's Passage y
28 Argent Sphinx
29 Bonds of Quicksilver y
30 Darkslick Drake
31 Disperse y
32 Dissipation Field
33 Grand Architect
34 Halt Order y
35 Inexorable Tide
36 Lumengrid Drake y
37 Neurok Invisimancer y
38 Plated Seastrider y
39 Quicksilver Gargantuan
40 Riddlesmith y
41 Scrapdiver Serpent y
42 Screeching Silcaw y
43 Shape Anew
44 Sky-Eel School y
45 Steady Progress y
46 Stoic Rebuttal y
47 Thrummingbird y
48 Trinket Mage y
49 Turn Aside y
50 Twisted Image y
51 Vault Skyward y
52 Vedalken Certarch y
53 Volition Reins y
54 Blackcleave Goblin y
55 Bleak Coven Vampires y
56 Blistergrub y
57 Carnifex Demon
58 Contagious Nim y
59 Corrupted Harvester y
60 Dross Hopper y
61 Exsanguinate y
62 Flesh Allergy y
63 Fume Spitter y
64 Geth, Lord of the Vault
65 Grasp of Darkness y
66 Hand of the Praetors
67 Ichor Rats y
68 Instill Infection y
69 Memoricide
70 Moriok Reaver y
71 Necrogen Scudder
72 Necrotic Ooze
73 Painful Quandary
74 Painsmith y
75 Plague Stinger y
76 Psychic Miasma y
77 Relic Putrescence y
78 Skinrender y
79 Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
80 Tainted Strike y
81 Arc Trail
82 Assault Strobe y
83 Barrage Ogre y
84 Blade-Tribe Berserkers y
85 Bloodshot Trainee y
86 Cerebral Eruption
87 Embersmith y
88 Ferrovore y
89 Flameborn Hellion y
90 Furnace Celebration y
91 Galvanic Blast
92 Goblin Gaveleer y
93 Hoard-Smelter Dragon
94 Koth of the Hammer
95 Kuldotha Phoenix
96 Kuldotha Rebirth y
97 Melt Terrain y
98 Molten Psyche
99 Ogre Geargrabber y
100 Oxidda Daredevil y
101 Oxidda Scrapmelter
102 Scoria Elemental y
103 Shatter y
104 Spikeshot Elder
105 Tunnel Ignus
106 Turn to Slag y
107 Vulshok Heartstoker y
108 Acid Web Spider y
109 Alpha Tyrranax y
110 Asceticism
111 Bellowing Tanglewurm y
112 Blight Mamba y
113 Blunt the Assault y
114 Carapace Forger y
115 Carrion Call y
116 Copperhorn Scout y
117 Cystbearer y
118 Engulfing Slagwurm
119 Ezuri, Renegade Leader
120 Ezuri's Archers y
121 Ezuri's Brigade
122 Genesis Wave
123 Liege of the Tangle
124 Lifesmith y
125 Molder Beast y
126 Putrefax
127 Slice in Twain y
128 Tangle Angler y
129 Tel-Jilad Defiance y
130 Tel-Jilad Fallen y
131 Untamed Might y
132 Viridian Revel y
133 Wing Puncture y
134 Withstand Death y
135 Venser, the Sojourner
136 Accorder's Shield y
137 Argentum Armor
138 Auriok Replica y
139 Barbed Battlegear y
140 Bladed Pinions y
141 Chimeric Mass
142 Chrome Steed y
143 Clone Shell y
144 Contagion Clasp y
145 Contagion Engine
146 Copper Myr y
147 Corpse Cur y
148 Culling Dais y
149 Darksteel Axe y
150 Darksteel Juggernaut
151 Darksteel Myr y
152 Darksteel Sentinel y
153 Echo Circlet y
154 Etched Champion
155 Flight Spellbomb y
156 Glint Hawk Idol y
157 Gold Myr y
158 Golden Urn y
159 Golem Artisan y
160 Golem Foundry y
161 Golem's Heart y
162 Grafted Exoskeleton
163 Grindclock
164 Heavy Arbalest y
165 Horizon Spellbomb y
166 Ichorclaw Myr y
167 Infiltration Lens y
168 Iron Myr y
169 Kuldotha Forgemaster
170 Leaden Myr y
171 Liquimetal Coating y
172 Livewire Lash
173 Lux Cannon
174 Memnite y
175 Mimic Vat
176 Mindslaver
177 Molten-Tail Masticore
178 Moriok Replica
179 Mox Opal
180 Myr Battlesphere
181 Myr Galvanizer y
182 Myr Propagator
183 Myr Reservoir
184 Necrogen Censer y
185 Necropede
186 Neurok Replica y
187 Nihil Spellbomb
188 Nim Deathmantle
189 Origin Spellbomb y
190 Palladium Myr y
191 Panic Spellbomb
192 Perilous Myr y
193 Platinum Emperion
194 Precursor Golem
195 Prototype Portal
196 Ratchet Bomb
197 Razorfield Thresher y
198 Rust Tick y
199 Rusted Relic y
200 Saberclaw Golem y
201 Semblance Anvil
202 Silver Myr y
203 Snapsail Glider y
204 Soliton y
205 Steel Hellkite
206 Strata Scythe
207 Strider Harness y
208 Sword of Body and Mind
209 Sylvok Lifestaff y
210 Sylvok Replica y
211 Throne of Geth y
212 Tower of Calamities
213 Trigon of Corruption y
214 Trigon of Infestation y
215 Trigon of Mending y
216 Trigon of Rage y
217 Trigon of Thought y
218 Tumble Magnet y
219 Vector Asp y
220 Venser's Journal
221 Vulshok Replica y
222 Wall of Tanglecord y
223 Wurmcoil Engine
224 Blackcleave Cliffs
225 Copperline Gorge
226 Darkslick Shores
227 Glimmerpost y
228 Razorverge Thicket
229 Seachrome Coast

MBS Mirrodin Besieged 
1 Accorder Paladin y
2 Ardent Recruit y
3 Banishment Decree y
4 Choking Fumes y
5 Divine Offering y
6 Frantic Salvage y
7 Gore Vassal y
8 Hero of Bladehold
9 Kemba's Legion y
10 Leonin Relic-Warder
11 Leonin Skyhunter y
12 Loxodon Partisan y
13 Master's Call y
14 Mirran Crusader
15 Phyrexian Rebirth
16 Priests of Norn y
17 Tine Shrike y
18 Victory's Herald
19 White Sun's Zenith
20 Blue Sun's Zenith
21 Consecrated Sphinx
22 Corrupted Conscience y
23 Cryptoplasm
24 Distant Memories
25 Fuel for the Cause y
26 Mirran Spy y
27 Mitotic Manipulation
28 Neurok Commando y
29 Oculus y
30 Quicksilver Geyser y
31 Serum Raker y
32 Spire Serpent y
33 Steel Sabotage y
34 Treasure Mage y
35 Turn the Tide y
36 Vedalken Anatomist y
37 Vedalken Infuser y
38 Vivisection y
39 Black Sun's Zenith
40 Caustic Hound y
41 Flensermite y
42 Flesh-Eater Imp y
43 Go for the Throat
44 Gruesome Encore y
45 Horrifying Revelation
46 Massacre Wurm
47 Morbid Plunder y
48 Nested Ghoul y
49 Phyresis
50 Phyrexian Crusader
51 Phyrexian Rager y
52 Phyrexian Vatmother
53 Sangromancer
54 Scourge Servant y
55 Septic Rats y
56 Spread the Sickness y
57 Virulent Wound y
58 Blisterstick Shaman y
59 Burn the Impure y
60 Concussive Bolt y
61 Crush y
62 Galvanoth
63 Gnathosaur y
64 Goblin Wardriver y
65 Hellkite Igniter
66 Hero of Oxid Ridge
67 Into the Core y
68 Koth's Courier y
69 Kuldotha Flamefiend y
70 Kuldotha Ringleader y
71 Metallic Mastery y
72 Ogre Resister y
73 Rally the Forces y
74 Red Sun's Zenith
75 Slagstorm
76 Spiraling Duelist y
77 Blightwidow y
78 Creeping Corrosion
79 Fangren Marauder y
80 Glissa's Courier y
81 Green Sun's Zenith
82 Lead the Stampede y
83 Melira's Keepers y
84 Mirran Mettle y
85 Phyrexian Hydra
86 Pistus Strike y
87 Plaguemaw Beast y
88 Praetor's Counsel
89 Quilled Slagwurm y
90 Rot Wolf
91 Tangle Mantis y
92 Thrun, the Last Troll
93 Unnatural Predation y
94 Viridian Corrupter y
95 Viridian Emissary y
96 Glissa, the Traitor
97 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
98 Bladed Sentinel y
99 Blightsteel Colossus
100 Bonehoard
101 Brass Squire y
102 Copper Carapace y
103 Core Prowler y
104 Darksteel Plate
105 Decimator Web
106 Dross Ripper y
107 Flayer Husk y
108 Gust-Skimmer y
109 Hexplate Golem y
110 Ichor Wellspring y
111 Knowledge Pool
112 Lumengrid Gargoyle y
113 Magnetic Mine
114 Mirrorworks
115 Mortarpod y
116 Myr Sire y
117 Myr Turbine
118 Myr Welder
119 Peace Strider y
120 Phyrexian Digester y
121 Phyrexian Juggernaut y
122 Phyrexian Revoker
123 Pierce Strider y
124 Piston Sledge y
125 Plague Myr y
126 Psychosis Crawler
127 Razorfield Rhino y
128 Rusted Slasher y
129 Shimmer Myr
130 Shriekhorn y
131 Signal Pest
132 Silverskin Armor y
133 Skinwing y
134 Sphere of the Suns y
135 Spin Engine y
136 Spine of Ish Sah
137 Strandwalker y
138 Sword of Feast and Famine
139 Tangle Hulk y
140 Thopter Assembly
141 Titan Forge
142 Training Drone y
143 Viridian Claw y
144 Contested War Zone
145 Inkmoth Nexus

NPH New Phyrexia
Card Num Card
1 Karn Liberated
2 Apostle's Blessing y
3 Auriok Survivors y
4 Blade Splicer
5 Cathedral Membrane y
6 Chancellor of the Annex
7 Dispatch
8 Due Respect y
9 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
10 Exclusion Ritual
11 Forced Worship y
12 Inquisitor Exarch y
13 Lost Leonin y
14 Loxodon Convert y
15 Marrow Shards y
16 Master Splicer
17 Norn's Annex
18 Phyrexian Unlife
19 Porcelain Legionnaire y
20 Puresteel Paladin
21 Remember the Fallen y
22 Sensor Splicer y
23 Shattered Angel y
24 Shriek Raptor y
25 Suture Priest y
26 War Report y
27 Argent Mutation y
28 Arm with Aether y
29 Blighted Agent
30 Chained Throatseeker y
31 Chancellor of the Spires
32 Corrupted Resolve y
33 Deceiver Exarch y
34 Defensive Stance y
35 Gitaxian Probe y
36 Impaler Shrike y
37 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
38 Mental Misstep y
39 Mindculling y
40 Numbing Dose y
41 Phyrexian Ingester
42 Phyrexian Metamorph
43 Psychic Barrier y
44 Psychic Surgery
45 Spined Thopter y
46 Spire Monitor y
47 Tezzeret's Gambit
48 Vapor Snag y
49 Viral Drake y
50 Wing Splicer y
51 Xenograft
52 Blind Zealot y
53 Caress of Phyrexia y
54 Chancellor of the Dross
55 Dementia Bat y
56 Despise y
57 Dismember
58 Enslave y
59 Entomber Exarch y
60 Evil Presence y
61 Geth's Verdict y
62 Glistening Oil
63 Grim Affliction y
64 Ichor Explosion y
65 Life's Finale
66 Mortis Dogs y
67 Parasitic Implant y
68 Phyrexian Obliterator
69 Pith Driller y
70 Postmortem Lunge y
71 Praetor's Grasp
72 Reaper of Sheoldred y
73 Sheoldred, Whispering One
74 Surgical Extraction
75 Toxic Nim y
76 Vault Skirge y
77 Whispering Specter
78 Act of Aggression
79 Artillerize y
80 Bludgeon Brawl
81 Chancellor of the Forge
82 Fallen Ferromancer y
83 Flameborn Viron y
84 Furnace Scamp y
85 Geosurge y
86 Gut Shot
87 Invader Parasite
88 Moltensteel Dragon
89 Ogre Menial y
90 Priest of Urabrask y
91 Rage Extractor y
92 Razor Swine y
93 Ruthless Invasion y
94 Scrapyard Salvo y
95 Slag Fiend
96 Slash Panther y
97 Tormentor Exarch y
98 Urabrask the Hidden
99 Victorious Destruction y
100 Volt Charge y
101 Vulshok Refugee y
102 Whipflare y
103 Beast Within y
104 Birthing Pod
105 Brutalizer Exarch y
106 Chancellor of the Tangle
107 Corrosive Gale y
108 Death-Hood Cobra y
109 Fresh Meat
110 Glissa's Scorn y
111 Glistener Elf y
112 Greenhilt Trainee y
113 Leeching Bite y
114 Maul Splicer y
115 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
116 Mutagenic Growth y
117 Mycosynth Fiend y
118 Noxious Revival
119 Phyrexian Swarmlord
120 Rotted Hystrix y
121 Spinebiter y
122 Thundering Tanadon y
123 Triumph of the Hordes y
124 Viridian Betrayers y
125 Viridian Harvest y
126 Vital Splicer y
127 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
128 Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
129 Alloy Myr y
130 Batterskull
131 Blinding Souleater y
132 Caged Sun
133 Conversion Chamber y
134 Darksteel Relic y
135 Etched Monstrosity
136 Gremlin Mine y
137 Hex Parasite
138 Hovermyr y
139 Immolating Souleater y
140 Insatiable Souleater y
141 Isolation Cell y
142 Kiln Walker y
143 Lashwrithe
144 Mindcrank y
145 Mycosynth Wellspring y
146 Myr Superion
147 Necropouncer y
148 Omen Machine
149 Pestilent Souleater y
150 Phyrexian Hulk y
151 Pristine Talisman y
152 Shrine of Boundless Growth y
153 Shrine of Burning Rage y
154 Shrine of Limitless Power y
155 Shrine of Loyal Legions
156 Shrine of Piercing Vision y
157 Sickleslicer y
158 Soul Conduit
159 Spellskite
160 Surge Node y
161 Sword of War and Peace
162 Torpor Orb
163 Trespassing Souleater y
164 Unwinding Clock
165 Phyrexia's Core y


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