For control players, UB Reanimate is a dream. However, we seldom see a control deck in limited. It's too demanding on not just a few cards with great synergy but three to four card types. A regular UB control needs a few Discard, plenty of Removals, some Counterspells and Draw Spells and at least one Finisher. Let's try to fit in the above card types into an M21 sealed deck. Discard Removals Counterspells Draw Spells From my experience, a deck like this can't survive for a few turns of beating from WR, UW flyers or even Blue Green or Red Green. 1/3 Vodalian Arcanist and 0/3 Obssessive Stitcher can't do much on blocking, 5 mana Finishing Blow is a bit too slow. I think the best way to help UB get through early turns is adding Green into the deck. Probably, we should choose Green as the main color and another color depending on the mana cost. If I opened Pestilence Haze and Grasp of Darkness, I would bu...
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