Against Control - the kind of control doesn't seem very strong in the current meta nor the new meta, we got several cards, all Gruul.
Cindervines pressures an opponent's spells casting, directly shut down Izzet Phoenix. Its enchantment removal effect neutralizes Conclave Tribunal type cards.
Rhythm of the Wild makes both conterspells and sorcery speed removals effortless.
Gruul Spellbreaker provides a more solid way against Settle the Wreckage.
So, control is totally ruled off in a meta full of Gruuls, if the meta IS full of Gruul.

Let's look at the decks a Gruul facing:
1. Aristocrats

A wall of Indestructible, Lifelink and Deathtouch, how do your Nullhide Ferox pass through it? Even with a Carnage Tyrant, the best it can do is just a few damages recovered easily, then it dies to a blocking Pontiff.
2. Mono Red

After casting Rhythm followed by a Gruul Spellbreaker, it eats a Lava Coil the next turn, your life downs to a horribly low level, thanks to a new round of attacks from Goblin Chainwhirler, Legion Warboss or Runaway Steam-Kin. Domri won't save you and there isn't a low-cost massive burn in Red at the moment.
3. Aggro(various colors)

1-2 drops will race over you before your real threat.
If the new Gruul monsters can survive, Dinosaurs will have dominated the meta, (it has never happened).
I think the quest for a good Gruul is putting something to race over the opponent on the turn after Rhythm/Domri.
I think the solution is either Flying or Trample.
Picked some cards:
Demanding Dragon, Skarrgan Hellkite, Rekindling Phoenix, Carnage Tyrant

Although it may face a removal, flying/trample beaters are much better than those get blocked by tokens or Deathtouch 2/2.
A few turns later, you may cast a big Electrodominance or Banefire to win.

Cindervines pressures an opponent's spells casting, directly shut down Izzet Phoenix. Its enchantment removal effect neutralizes Conclave Tribunal type cards.
Rhythm of the Wild makes both conterspells and sorcery speed removals effortless.
Gruul Spellbreaker provides a more solid way against Settle the Wreckage.
So, control is totally ruled off in a meta full of Gruuls, if the meta IS full of Gruul.

Let's look at the decks a Gruul facing:
1. Aristocrats

A wall of Indestructible, Lifelink and Deathtouch, how do your Nullhide Ferox pass through it? Even with a Carnage Tyrant, the best it can do is just a few damages recovered easily, then it dies to a blocking Pontiff.
2. Mono Red

After casting Rhythm followed by a Gruul Spellbreaker, it eats a Lava Coil the next turn, your life downs to a horribly low level, thanks to a new round of attacks from Goblin Chainwhirler, Legion Warboss or Runaway Steam-Kin. Domri won't save you and there isn't a low-cost massive burn in Red at the moment.
3. Aggro(various colors)

1-2 drops will race over you before your real threat.
If the new Gruul monsters can survive, Dinosaurs will have dominated the meta, (it has never happened).
A Possible Gruul Build
I think the quest for a good Gruul is putting something to race over the opponent on the turn after Rhythm/Domri.
I think the solution is either Flying or Trample.
Picked some cards:
Demanding Dragon, Skarrgan Hellkite, Rekindling Phoenix, Carnage Tyrant

Although it may face a removal, flying/trample beaters are much better than those get blocked by tokens or Deathtouch 2/2.
A few turns later, you may cast a big Electrodominance or Banefire to win.

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