Izzet Drake with Thud
It's just too casual to win any game after Bronze rank.
Instead, I netdecked Izzet Drakes from MTGOLDFISH lists.
With a pinch of innovation, besides moving Fight with Fire and Banefire into the new deck, I added Thud.

Why use it?
1. Surprise
Playing against Drake decks, your opponent always counts damage range when determining whether to hold a removal in hand or just cast a planeswalker/big threat main turn. For instance, you have a 7/4 Drake and the opponent's at 15 life, he or she may choose to cast a Carnage Tyrant main turn rather than holding Vraska's Contempt if the damage from Drake doesn't feel like lethal the next turn.
But if you draw a Thud, your hit range doubled and the opponent won't expect that to happen.
2. Low cost
Let's say you have 5 lands on the battlefield, 6 spells in graveyard on turn 5. You cast Maximum Velocity on a drake in you hand, then the 8/4 drake attacks.
But if you have an extra Thud, the best case is that you deal 8 + 8 damage and it totally costs only 5 mana (3 for Drake, 1 for Maximum, 1 for Thud). After that, you wait for a Banefire/Shocks coming in a few turns to win.
3. Late game win con without attacking
Quite a few times have I got more than 10 spells in the graveyard in turn 10 or later. Opponent's far lower than 10 life and attack to win seems feasible, except one thing: Settle the Wreckage. Thud solves the problem.
Some videos(keep updating):
Win with Thud
Another win over a mirror deck with Thud
My Twitch Channel: Lotus_Ring
I stream at various times every day
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