Izzet Drake with Thud After a few Goblin Ramp testing, I forsook it. It's just too casual to win any game after Bronze rank. Instead, I netdecked Izzet Drakes from MTGOLDFISH lists. With a pinch of innovation, besides moving Fight with Fire and Banefire into the new deck, I added Thud. Why use it? 1. Surprise Playing against Drake decks, your opponent always counts damage range when determining whether to hold a removal in hand or just cast a planeswalker/big threat main turn. For instance, you have a 7/4 Drake and the opponent's at 15 life, he or she may choose to cast a Carnage Tyrant main turn rather than holding Vraska's Contempt if the damage from Drake doesn't feel like lethal the next turn. But if you draw a Thud, your hit range doubled and the opponent won't expect that to happen. 2. Low cost Let's say you have 5 lands on the battlefield, 6 spells in graveyard on turn 5. You cast Maximum Velocity on a drake in you han...
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