I believe Elenda is the best vampire, even the best tribal card.
Merfolks are fast but you 'd need to spare a few slots for counterspells like Admiral's Order or Spell Pierce in case your opponent board wipe you.
It isn't the same in Vampires.
At least 2 cards creating tokens when die are spotted in Rivals.

Actually, I would like to put vampires into Abzan Tokens and shift to the control side by adding massive removals like Slaughter the Strong and Fumigate.

The sample deck I built is like this one:
7 Creatures
4 Anointer Priest3 Elenda, the Dusk Rose
12 Enchantments
4 Legion's Landing 4 Hidden Stockpile
4 Anointed Procession
10 Removals
1 Profane Procession2 Slaughter the Strong
2 Vona's Hunger
3 Fumigate
2 Start // Finish
4 Mana Fixings
4 Renegade Map3 Planeswalkers
2 Vraska, Relic Seeker1 Liliana, Death's Majesty
The interaction between Hidden Stockpile, Anointed Procession, and Elenda is quite hard to ignore in this Standard. Maybe some UW control will use Hour of Revelation in main deck because of that.
I haven't built any tribal deck that's "real" aggro and don't think such decks can stand the test of an environment with so many massive removals. Maybe, with the help of counterspells, Merfolks can be an exception? I am not sure.
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