I recommended Voldaren Pariah in my last blog post. It has shone for a while in a few decks.
This time, I want to analysis cards on their basic value. That means the method I use to rate the cards is not regarding to the current Stadnard situation but comparing the cards, in terms of function, to all MTG cards in general.
1. Hanweir Battlements

Not entering the battlefield tapped, giving haste, Battlements is easily ranked high among non basic lands. GR creature decks like haste, BR decks like haste. I think it's just a matter of time for it to see play in Standard.
2. Eternal Scourge

Exiled cards now belong a new zone which no longer means "removed from game". There will be more and more cards that can return from exile, but Eternal Scourge is the first one with 3 colorless mana cost. I think it will be part of an infinite combo.
3.Thalia, Heretic Cathar

This card is a fine 3 mana for 3/2 with First Strike and its ability can stop flash blocking. I think its value is over its cost. Also, 2W cost can fit in two color decks well.
4. Thalia's Lancers, Eldritch Evolution and Coax from the Blind Eternities

Any card that can search for another card at a reasonable cost should not be ignored. They represent endless possibilities.
5. Lupine Prototype, Thought-Knot Seer, Reality Smasher, Matter Reshaper

Artifact aggro decks need them.
6. Linvala, the Preserver
This time, I want to analysis cards on their basic value. That means the method I use to rate the cards is not regarding to the current Stadnard situation but comparing the cards, in terms of function, to all MTG cards in general.
1. Hanweir Battlements

Not entering the battlefield tapped, giving haste, Battlements is easily ranked high among non basic lands. GR creature decks like haste, BR decks like haste. I think it's just a matter of time for it to see play in Standard.
2. Eternal Scourge

Exiled cards now belong a new zone which no longer means "removed from game". There will be more and more cards that can return from exile, but Eternal Scourge is the first one with 3 colorless mana cost. I think it will be part of an infinite combo.
3.Thalia, Heretic Cathar

This card is a fine 3 mana for 3/2 with First Strike and its ability can stop flash blocking. I think its value is over its cost. Also, 2W cost can fit in two color decks well.
4. Thalia's Lancers, Eldritch Evolution and Coax from the Blind Eternities

Any card that can search for another card at a reasonable cost should not be ignored. They represent endless possibilities.
5. Lupine Prototype, Thought-Knot Seer, Reality Smasher, Matter Reshaper

Artifact aggro decks need them.
6. Linvala, the Preserver

6 Mana 5 life and a 5/5 flyer is not bad for sideboard against red decks, especially red decks running small creatures and burns. Putting Linvala in a GW ramp deck, a player 's saved from red.
7. Selfless Spirit and Spell Queller

Indestructible Selfless Spirit protects all creatures from a large proportion of mass removals and Spell Queller can be used in both aggro and control decks.
8. Gisela, the Broken Blade

4/3 flyer with likelink is fine for 4 mana, and it also has a meld package with Brisela. I think any price under 4 tix is reasonable for it.
9.Bedlam Reveler

It's a 2 mana 3/4 Prowess that draws you 3 cards. Just build it around burn spells and flashback spells.
10. Tamiyo, Field Researcher

Like mana tricolor cards, it just need the right mana source.
The list will go on.
About the timing of buying these cards, I recommend my readers to wait until September. You can buy 1 or 2 copies of 1 tix cards every day, 1 - 2 over 5 tix cards in a week. The move is a good way for you to keep tracking the price movement.
People, including me, tend to buy at a wrong time. They buy a large amount of cards at the beginning of a price drop movement. Then they blame anything they can find for the wrong move. And they stay away from the market. Not until the prices reach the floor, they won't start buying a very small quantity because they think the price will drop further, ignoring the fact that the supply of those cards have shrieked.
These people also tend to sell off their collections will the prices rise back to the price they bought the cards months before.
I think we should buy constantly a few weeks after all prices started to drop but save up ticket for the moment cards rebound.
7. Selfless Spirit and Spell Queller

Indestructible Selfless Spirit protects all creatures from a large proportion of mass removals and Spell Queller can be used in both aggro and control decks.
8. Gisela, the Broken Blade

4/3 flyer with likelink is fine for 4 mana, and it also has a meld package with Brisela. I think any price under 4 tix is reasonable for it.
9.Bedlam Reveler

It's a 2 mana 3/4 Prowess that draws you 3 cards. Just build it around burn spells and flashback spells.
10. Tamiyo, Field Researcher

Like mana tricolor cards, it just need the right mana source.
The list will go on.
About the timing of buying these cards, I recommend my readers to wait until September. You can buy 1 or 2 copies of 1 tix cards every day, 1 - 2 over 5 tix cards in a week. The move is a good way for you to keep tracking the price movement.
People, including me, tend to buy at a wrong time. They buy a large amount of cards at the beginning of a price drop movement. Then they blame anything they can find for the wrong move. And they stay away from the market. Not until the prices reach the floor, they won't start buying a very small quantity because they think the price will drop further, ignoring the fact that the supply of those cards have shrieked.
These people also tend to sell off their collections will the prices rise back to the price they bought the cards months before.
I think we should buy constantly a few weeks after all prices started to drop but save up ticket for the moment cards rebound.
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