Many said and designed post rotation BW decks. I take the idea of hand disruption + Removals + Mid range creatures - the traditional black based control decks which dated back to the era of Fallen Empire and Ice Age (1995).

The deck usually arrange card types in this way:
4 - 8 Hand Disruption
8 - 12 Removals
4 - 6 Draw Spells
8 -12 Creatures
Transplanting to the coming Standard, it looks like:
Hand Disruption:
Transgress the Mind 3
Duress 3
Thought-Knot Seer 4
Grasp of Darkness 4 Spatial Contortion 4
Anguished Unmaking 3
Descend upon the Sinful 2 Declaration in Stone 2
Ruinous Path 3
Draw Spells:
Sorin, Grim Nemesis 1
Ob Nixilis Reignited 1
Read the Bones 4
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 4
Archangel Avacyn 2
Mindwrack Demon 4
Even without testing, I can tell this kind of deck is very slow and vulnerable in the first few turns. No matter how good your late game removals/finishers are, you can't survive in the first few turns, you lose. Then I picked the best part(removals/draw/disruption) and turned it into a Abzan deck.
The first try is BG splashing white:
It has Sylvan Advocate as the best 2 drop defense, as well as a boost for Shambling Vent/Hissing Quagmire in late game.
I also add Den Protector + Deathmist Raptor package
Mindwrack Demon vs Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Although I have collected a number of Kalitas, I am inclined toward Mindwrack Demon.
The 4/5 survives Chandra's -4, Languish, Exquisite Firecraft and Grasp of Darkness. Its self-milled cards can be returned to hand by Den Protector.
Kalitas needs more cards to make it good in Standard. If Vampire decks and Zombie decks don't do well, I will sell all my Kalitas, even with a loss.
The deck list:
(Arranged by mana cost)
Duress 3
Transgress the Mind 3
Sylvan Advocate 4
Deathcap Cultivator 4
Den Protector 3
Deathmist Raptor 3
Mindwrack Demon 4
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 1
The Gitrog Monster 2
Sorin, Grim Nemesis 1
Ob Nixilis Reignited 1
Declaration in Stone 2
Anguished Unmaking 4
Ruinous Path 2
23 Lands
A new mana dork. |
This card is ok in late game. If I cast Gather the Pack, the Gitrog Monster filters all the lands from the 5 cards and give me more cards. |
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