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GR Monsters Ramp - Lands, Atarkas & Chandra

Is it possible to bring back GR Monsters with Eldrazi ?

Cards I am going to test in this deck:
1. Kozilek's Return Dragonlord Atarka & Chandra on Aggro decks
2. Card drawing power from Sea Gate Wreckage, Chandra and Kozilek

At this moment, the main problem I see in the ramp decks is low speed. The slow pace comes from high mana creatures - 10 mana Eldrazi, 8 Mana Ugin - and weak early removals.

I want to improve the deck by using Dragonlard Atarka and Chandra, Flamecaller along with Kozilek's Return and Draconic Roar.

This very early version of the deck will be tested on MTGO for a few days:


3 Dragonlord Atarka
2 Chandra, Flamecaller
Kozilek's Return
3 Draconic Roar
Dragonlord AtarkaChandra, FlamecallerKozilek's ReturnDraconic Roar
4 Jaddi Offshoot
4 World Breaker
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Kozilek, the Great Distortion
Thunderbreak Regent or Avaricious Dragon (Avaricious Dragon + Sea Gate Wreckage?)
Avaricious DragonSea Gate Wreckage
Jaddi OffshootWorld Breaker

4 Nissa's Pilgrimage
4 Explosive Vegetation
Nissa's PilgrimageExplosive Vegetation 25 Lands:

1 Sea Gate Wreckage
1 Haven of the Spirit Dragon
4 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
4 Sanctum of Ugin
5 Forest
4 Mountain
2 Cinder Glade
4 Wooded Foothills

My 1st game:

Played against a 5 color control deck.

I found I highly underestimated Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and World Breaker.
Their "Exile" abilities trigger when I cast them, even though they are countered.

But the overall slow pace of this deck worried me. How good is it racing aggro decks?

To speed up, I built a GU version with Sylvan Advocate and Lumbering Falls.

You can check the deck here.

2nd game:

On my first game, the opponent simply sided in Duress and counters on my ramp cards. Maybe, I should increase the number of ramp cards to a certain number that one or two Duress don't hinder my mana growth.

The List:

I added Natural Connection and Ruin in Their Wakes. Nissa's Renewal does a great job gaining life and ensuring Ulamog next turn.

Chandra and Ugin are given up. I like Chandra but I don't want to add any more 6 mana cards. I saw more colorless creatures in my opponent's deck. Ugin can't handle colorless cards.

3rd game:

Players don't like land destruction - it's boring, tedious, sometimes overpowered. Therefore, Wizards doesn't design many cards that "kill" lands. But somehow, I found two interesting spells:
Volcanic UpheavalCrumble to Dust

Land destruction in Instant speed, I haven't seen the type before. The main difference between Instant and other spells is that you can cast Instants when the opponent cast something at the end of  your turn: control players like to cast draw spells.  I want to test out if instant land destruction cards can beat control decks.

Crumble to Dust is a better version of Sowing Salt. It's so easy to splash in various deck types.

I tried 4 Volcanic Upheaval and 2 Crumble to Dust main deck. The effect was less impressive then Explosive Vegetation or other ramp cards. I think I would rather put them into sideboard.

Ruin in Their Wakes was quite mediocre, too. 3 Evolving Wilds and 4 Waste are added to get a chance for second turn Ruin. But the fact is that most of the time I did't have Ruin but, instead, got a couple of green ramp cards in my opening hand. With so many colorless mana in mana base, maybe I should replace Natural Connection with Warping Wail in my 4th game.
Warping Wail

4th Game

Added: 4 Warping Wail
Removed:  4 Natural Connection

I played against a UR Prowess. Warping Wail is very good for removing small creatures and Kozilek's Return almost clean up the battlefield.

Then I wonder what to do if mhy opponent cast Infinite Obliteration then recast it with Den Protector Megamorph. Probably, I need more game finishers then creatures like the Eldrazi monsters and Dragonlord Atarka. I considered Chandra, Flamecaller. Also, I added Hangarback Walker.

5th Game

Added: 4 Hangarback Walker, 2 Chandra, Flamecaller, 1 mountain
Removed: 2 Nissa's Renewal, 2 Dragonlord Atarka, 2 Warping Wail

After playing an Eldrazi Aggro, I found a mana allocation problem. If I want to include Waste in my deck, I can't risk to add 2 mountains as I don't want to give up the chance to play Ruin in Their Wakes early. Therefore, Chandra can't exist in this deck. I decided not to add Chandra in this GR ramp but build around Chandra in another GR ramp without Waste.

This is the final list:

6th Game

Opponent played a GR ramp mirror. Losing first game, I sided in 4 Crumble to Dust and 2 more Warping Wail. They worked very well, I am able to won the other two games.


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