I have read an article by a very successful future trader. He underlined the importance of edge finding (try to understand reasons behind price movements), backtesting (review past card price movements) and discipline(you know what it is just you can't keep it). My readers, which are competent, hardworking and wise, should be able to learn and improve. Forget me, I am too lazy to achieve anything. But I will tell you the potential cards to buy.
1. Eldrazi Displacer
Everyone's talking about the combo. If it works, this card can be in a small proportion of decks. But that's not a signal to collect. A potential card should be seen in one or more popular decks, say Abzan & Mardu. In these decks, we don't have colorless mana source for it's ability.
While in Eldrazi deck, we don't need Displacer's blinking ability. Maybe, Shadow over Innistrad will bring us more relevant lands for Displacer to shine.
I will not buy it, but I will keep watching it.
2. Sylvan Addvocate
This is the card I will collect. Pace of decks will eventually slow down, then people saying "all decks win before you're getting six lands" will regret how few Sylvan Advocates they are holding. I 'm serious.
Its price has risen a bit after getting spotted in some Starcity Open deck lists. That's the least situation I would like to see. I want my copies cheap.
3. Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
What if they make a new ability in Shadow over Innistrad like this: when a zombie enters the graveyard, you draw a card or when a zombie goes to graveyard, each opponent sacrifices a creature or something even more logical?
4. Hissing Quagmire
I think this card is good after rotation as considering the story of Innistrad, Black and Green should still be with the top decks.
5. Liliana, Heretical Healer
Basically, I try to collect anything related to graveyard, black, Zombies,Vampires......
6.Drana, Liberator of Malakir
7. Ob Nixilis Reignited
Not very sure about this, but it's black.
8. Goblin Dark-Dwellers
Do you believe me? Would you mind digging my old post about Jace in June last year, when it was 10 or less?
Things have changed after recent release and events. You ought to read this updated article on buying Oath cards.
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