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Showing posts from August, 2014

Collect the rotating cards

Wobbling in the September winds, leaves are starting their journey off the trees and branches, while the cards, shone or not in the standard, are heading to Modern, Legacy and Vintage. Every August, I make a list of what to collect from the rotating Standard. As well, I explain some of the reasons behind to my readers . I 'll start with demand and supply. Upon rotation, usually the limited events of the first block ( RTR block) rarely fires. The supply of cards from the block mainly come from players who are holding these cards but decided to sell. They can be players shifting to the next standard, therefore they sell the cards in their decks for tix and wait to buy the upcoming set in September. We also regard Vintage Masters as a rotating set when seeking the best cards to collect in September. Case 1  Logically, during rotation, the supply of cards frequently used in Standard but not in Modern, Legacy and Vintage surges, their prices drop. We can wait for 1-2 month bef...

The next Standard is about......

I am going to predict some situations possibly happening after rotation. If you want to collect potential cards, if you want to avoid great losses, if you want to build decks standing out the crowd, read them. 1. The disappearance of a 4 mana sweeper: Without a card replacing Supreme Verdict, there is no guarantee that UW control can exist. I think soldier decks, GR monsters, GW aggros, Black aggros all too fast for a UW control with turn 5-6 removals to survive against. The two possible outcomes are that Elspeth drops to half of its current price or it rises over 20. Why's that? When UW control abruptly withdraws from the standard, a large proportion of demand on Elspeth disappear, what worsens it, people playing UW decks may sell their 1-2 copies of Elspeth, dooming it to plummet. Logically, half of the demand for Elspeth will evaporate. But we shouldn't underestimate the power of Orzhov control. With all popular removals in it remaining for the next year, Orzhov may like...

Collecting Vintage Masters

When I am able to squeeze out some time to write my blog, it's already early autumn. The season is prefect for some adventurous moves. With the tix I earned from speculating on Vintage cards before Vintage Masters and MTGO V4, I will try on two sets: M15 and Vintage Masters. In M15, I found nearly most of the staples are undervalued. Planeswalkers are cheap, painlands are cheap, also the modern staples like Chord of Calling and Phyrexian Revoker. As for Vintage Masters, I think it 's ripe to plunk at this price level - 700tix a set on supernovabots . Long term collectors should focus on cards that are used in both Legacy and Vintage and reprinted as MOCS before; it's important to pick the right cards as MOCS reprinting hurts the card values gravely. The cards below are those I sorted out from Vintage Masters: Force of Will Underground Sea Tropical Island Bayou Jace, the Mind Sculptor But I recommend picking some staple cards under 5 tix, each collect 20 - 30 copies....