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Trading Vintage Masters - Where is the bottom?

I witnessed the craziness of Vintage. In 3 days, Black Lotus fall from 270 to 100, other Moxes from 150 to 60 - getting a 50% off on all the cards you wish to buy is sweet, sweet, sweet deal. This is just the beginning of happiness, in my experience, only top cards can retain a stable price for two months after release. For rares, they drop unbelievably hard, for restricted rares(VM is full of restricted cards), they fall even further. As I want to avoid the risk of short term price turbulence , I will start buying regular cards much later, in the coming few weeks, I will only buy foils. But foils in Vintage Masters is perplexing itself. We don't know the the odd of getting the foil version of a particular mythic/rare as they only mentioned they give out one foil a pack but they 've never disclosed the probabilities of opening foils of the 5 rarities. Therefore, I set the buying prices low enough that I don't have much pressure holding them.
If you don't buy foils, you can make a post buying real staples: Force of Will, Mana Drain, Oath of Druids, Mishra's Workshop, Jace, the Mindsculptor etc. They are the safest investment.

While players are playing Vintage,  Theros block sets have reached new low. Time to buy! Elspeth, Stormbreath, Xenagos, Thoughtseize, Courser of Kruphix, Brimaz, King of Oreskos are all near the bottom again. I am putting some tix into these cards.


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