Beside existing aggro deck types, I 'm really scared of two cards: Smuggler's Copter and Voltaic Brawler How to beat them? Copter is immune to sorcery and some Planeswalkers - Liliana, the Last Hope, Dovin Baan can't target it, and it dodges Declaration in Stone, Ruinous Path, Planar Outburst, Fragmentize, to mention but a few. Maybe we main deck Nahiri, the Harbinger? Grasp of Darkness? Horror starts to escalate if Copter's unchecked for 3-4 turns: In Spirits Deck: Turn 1: Mausoleum Wanderer Turn 2: Smuggler's Copter Turn 3: Cast Selfless Spirit/leave 2 mana for counter spells/Rattlechains, then Copter attacks for 3 damage. (3 Damage) Turn 4: Copter attacks for 3, loots you cards; the other spirit attacks for 2. (Total 5 damage.) Turn 5: While attacking with copter, you still have mana for counter spells, Spell Queller/Reflector Mage/Archangel Avacyn etc. (Another 5 damage) We can see how deadly Copter is on turn 5: 1. Selfless Spiri...
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